Monday 5 March 2007

Well, I'm here (again)!

It seems like only a year ago ...

Actually, it was only a year ago I was here. This time I'm here for four weeks at the University of Otago on a Visiting Fellowship before Viv joins me for three weeks on holiday.

I'm keeping a separate blog about my work - - the start of which describes my journey here.

I had yesterday free to wander about the city, deal with emails at a couple of internet cafes as well as having a couple of what the Lonely Planet describes as 'heart stopping' flat white coffees. The city certainly knows it has a large University here with about 25,ooo students out of a total population of around 130,000.

The temperature is around 25 degrees C today and I'm told we're located at about the equivalent of Northern Italy in Europe, though the weather can turn suddenly to the south with cold winds and rain - remember, this is the southern hemisphere!

Unfortunately the local tv has a channel showing English Premiership football and I watched the end of the West Ham v Spurs game which the former managed to give away 3:4. Yes, sadly I'm a long time Hammers fan since we lived in East London but it looks like we'll be having to follow Championship football next year.

Feel free to use the 'comment' function if you want, remembering that ev eryone can read what you say!


Doug said...

Hi Ranald !!

Can't find a comment space on your work blog ... if you come across anyone ther who is podcasting please ask them to get in touch or just let me know.
Am speaking to the IMPALA project about this at Uni of Leicester and would welcome some distance support.
The person on the Otago campus who is into this appears to be Annemaree Senior and it looks as if the IT seminars are podcast.
Hope you can help

Ranald said...

Thanks, Doug - I've now added a comment button on the work page.

I'll see what I can do about the podcasting

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.