Friday 30 March 2007

Some time out

On Monday Tony took me out onto the Otago Peninsula to look at the birds and have a walk on the beach. I'd driven much of the road before but not seen the enormous variety of bird - particularly some wonderful kingfishers with their beautiful blue wings and back.

We walked along a beach and saw where the penguins nest - but unfortuunately there were none there.

The trip was ostensibly to talk about work - so we did! See the work blog:
Viv arrives tomorrow (Saturday) and, after a couple of days around Dunedin, we're going to take off through the Catlins to the south of the island, possibly over to Stewart Island and then up to Wanaka for Easter.
Watch this space! - but not too often or you may be disappointed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Ranald !!

I am reading your stuff ... perhaps the rest of the world is not quite ready for Web2.0 stuff. You seem to be having a great time ... and you call it work !
I have been contacted by Annemaree Senior re podcasting and have made contact with her ... thanks.

More photos please ... enjoy
